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OIDC Agent

oidc-agent is a set of tools to get and manage OpenID Connect tokens and make them easily usable from the command line. It follows the ssh-agent design, so users can handle OIDC tokens in a similar way as they do with ssh keys.

Installation instructions

Releases are available for several RPM and DEB based distribution, plus MacOS and Windows. The KIT Repo Server shows installation instructions for each release

This recipe shows how to quickly install oidc-agent on CENTOS 7.

yum install --repofrompath oidc, oidc-agent

Bootstrapping oidc-agent

The first thing to do is to start oidc-agent. This can be done issuing the following command:

$ eval $(oidc-agent)
Agent pid 62088

How to register a client

In order to obtain a token out of an OP such as IAM, a user needs a client registered. oidc-agent can automate this step and store client credentials securely on the user machine.

A new client is registered using the oidc-gen command, as follows:

$ oidc-gen --iss --scope max --flow=device  wlcg

The --flow=device instructs oidc-agent to use the device code flow for the authentication, which is the recommended way with IAM.

oidc-agent will use "dynamic client registration" to register a new client and store the client credentials and a refresh token locally in encrypted form (the agent will ask for a password from the user).

Some IAM instance may not have "dynamic client registration" enabled. In this case you may try oidc-gen with the --pub parameter. This makes use of a pre-registered "public client", which may be available for that IAM instance.

How to print a list of all configured accounts

To obtain a list of all configured accounts configured, either oidc-gen --accounts or oidc-add --list can be used. Both of them can use the same flag -l

$ oidc-gen -l
The following account configurations are usable: 

How to print a client description

Printing the full client decrypted content can be done by passing the account shortname or the absolute filepath of the account, with oidc-gen --print or simply the -p flag

$ oidc-gen -p wlcg
Enter decryption password for account config 'wlcg': 
        "name": "wlcg",
        "client_name":  "oidc-agent:wlcg",
        "issuer_url":   "",
        "device_authorization_endpoint":        "",
        "daeSetByUser": 0,
        "client_id":    "f062c71e-920d-4b64-8282-a24d4101d8fc",
        "client_secret":        "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "refresh_token":        "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "cert_path":    "",
        "scope":        "address openid profile wlcg eduperson_entitlement storage.create:/ phone offline_access eduperson_scoped_affiliation storage.modify:/ email wlcg.groups",
        "audience":     "",
        "redirect_uris":        ["", "http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:4242", "http://localhost:10088"],
        "username":     "",
        "password":     "",
        "client_id_issued_at":  1592322007,
        "registration_access_token":    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "registration_client_uri":      "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "token_endpoint_auth_method":   "client_secret_basic",
        "grant_types":  ["urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code", "refresh_token"],
        "response_types":       ["token"],
        "application_type":     "web",
        "cert_path":    "",
        "audience":     ""

How to get a token from oidc-agent

Tokens can be obtained using the oidc-token command, as follows:

oidc-token wlcg

This will request a token with all the scopes requested at client registration time.

Limiting issued scopes

To limit the scopes included in the token, the -s flag can be used, as follows:

oidc-token -s wlcg

In this example the scopes is being limited to

Limiting token audience

The token audience can be limited using the --aud flag,

oidc-token --aud example.audience -s wlcg

In this example the audience is being defined as example.audience