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Token-based authentication and authorization is supported by XRootD in combination with the xrootd-scitokens plugin.

Enabling token-based authN/Z for the WLCG IAM instance

In order to enable token-based AuthN/Z for the WLCG IAM instance on an XRootD deployment, you need to:

  • Install the xrootd-scitokens plugin. This is for example part of the upstream XRootD yum repository.

  • Add the WLCG issuer to the list of the trusted issuers by the SciTokens library. This can be done by creating a configuration file e.g. at /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg with the following content (assuming xrootd should act as the xrootd user and files stored in the /data/grid):

onmissing = passthrough
audience =,, roots://

[Issuer WLCG IAM]
issuer =
base_path = /data/grid/wlcg
map_subject = false
default_user = xrootd
#authorization_strategy = capability group mapping
  • Note that the onmissing = passthrough part is needed to continue with other authorization libraries, such as the Macaroons library, and to continue with the evaluation of an authdb file (if used).

  • Extend your existing xrootd configuration file. To stack with the macaroons authentication library, you will need:

ofs.authlib ++ config=/etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
ofs.authlib ++ 
ofs.authorize 1

# Pass the bearer token to the Xrootd authorization framework.
http.header2cgi Authorization authz
  • The ++ is needed for stacking of the authorization libraries. If this is not needed, i.e. you only use one library, the ++ can be dropped.

  • In case an acc.authdb file is used, authorization can be granted as follows, granting full read-write access to the /data/grid/wlcg path and read-only and list access to /data/grid/srr:

= wlcgtknusr o: g: /wlcg
x wlcgtknusr /data/grid/wlcg a  /data/grid/srr lr
  • SciToken library together with XRootD 5.7.0 support explicit authorization stragegy configuration (related xrootd#2121)

This configuration enables flat authorization access on the storage to members of the WLCG VO with the /wlcg group,, i.e. all users will have read and write access to the data at /data/grid/wlcg.

  • WLCG JWT compliance testbed expect also protected resource accessible only with optional group /wlcg/test and this can be configured by following lines in the acc.authdb file for WLCG VO data at /data/grid/wlcg (it is also possible to specify oss.localroot /data/grid and than everything can be configured and used without this prefix)
# compound identity to support for group based authorization from WLCG JWT token
= wlcgtknprt_token o: g: /wlcg/test
= wlcgtknusr_token o: g: /wlcg
# compound identity to support for mapping X.509 VOMS identity
= wlcgtknprt_x509 o: wlcg g: /wlcg r: test
= wlcgtknusr_x509 o: wlcg g: /wlcg
# templates for accessing normal and protected resources
t wlcgtknprt /data/grid/wlcg a /data/grid lr
t wlcgtknusr /data/grid/wlcg/protected rl-diknw /data/grid/wlcg a /data/grid lr
# configure access for users that comes with X.509 or WLCG JWT token with wlcg.groups
# (with "x" first matching compound identity is used to grant privileges)
x wlcgtknprt_token wlcgtknprt
x wlcgtknusr_token wlcgtknusr
x wlcgtknprt_x509 wlcgtknprt
x wlcgtknusr_x509 wlcgtknusr
# WLCG JWT token scope based access is not handled in this configuration file

Enabling tokens for ATLAS

Simple native XRootD configuration

If you use very simple XRootD configuration with posix backend and acc.authdb to specify permission for clients using X.509 VOMS proxy certificate than it should be sufficient to add /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg configuration file for that supports access with WebDAV + xroot protocol and top level VO directory /your/base/path/for/atlas

# /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
onmissing = passthrough
audience =, roots://,,

[Issuer ATLAS]
issuer =
base_path = /your/base/path/for/atlas
map_subject = False
default_user = xrootd
authorization_strategy = capability

# in April 2024 CERN is going to introduce new token issuer hostnames for WLCG experiments
# and to be ready for this update new issuer hostname should be also included in the configuration
issuer =
base_path = /your/base/path/for/atlas
map_subject = False
default_user = xrootd
authorization_strategy = capability

Plus update ofs.authlib in your XRootD configuration file with as mentioned in section with WLCG compliance testbed configuration.

ATLAS plans to rely exclusively on storage scopes in the tokens and that's why your production acc.authdb configuration should not contain any mapping for wlcg.groups that can be present in the token. All accesses to the storage with tokens that doesn't contain relevant storage scopes should be rejected. Newer version of scitoken library together with XRootD 5.7.0 now support also explicit strategy for token authorization using authorization_strategy configuration option (related xrootd#2121).

EOS mapping with directories using different identity

EOS migrated from CASTOR and configured with full compatibility with original CASTOR storage rely only on certificate subject / grid-mapfiles for identity mapping. This configuration could be equally translated for clients that comes with tokens, e.g.

  • /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
# /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
onmissing = passthrough
audience =, roots://,,

[Issuer ATLAS]
issuer =
base_path = /eos/atlas
map_subject = False
name_mapfile = /etc/xrootd/
default_user = atlas001
authorization_strategy = capability

# in April 2024 CERN is going to introduce new token issuer hostnames for WLCG experiments
# and to be ready for this update new issuer hostname should be also included in the configuration
issuer =
base_path = /eos/atlas
map_subject = False
name_mapfile = /etc/xrootd/
default_user = atlas001
authorization_strategy = capability
  • /etc/xrootd/ (map all non-default users with different privileges)
  {"sub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "result": "atlas002", "comment": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=user002/CN=000002/CN=Robot: ATLAS User 2"},
  {"sub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", "result": "atlas003", "comment": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=user003/CN=000003/CN=Robot: ATLAS User 3"},

This kind of mapping assumes that directory owners on EOS match exactly storage scope path restriction defined in IAM. May be it is even better to rely primarily on storage scope path policies defined directly in IAM and than just map paths to the identity that match owner it the EOS namespace, e.g.

  {"path": "/eos/atlas/atlasscratchdisk", "result": "atlas001", "comment": "Owner of the ATLASSCRATCHDISK area"},
  {"path": "/eos/atlas/atlasdatadisk", "result": "atlas003", "comment": "Owner of the ATLASDATADISK area"},