WLCG Compliance testsuite storage configuration
Described in details in the WLCG JWT compliance testsuite README
Alice Storage
Already use their own proprietary tokens (not WLCG JWT tokens) and that means everything is mapped to one storage identity, because their security model already rely on capabilities.
ATLAS Storage
Rucio file replication with FTS always use production role when writing files in the "rucio" subdirectory
and while deleting files. For jobs using rucio upload the identity used while writing files differs
for production (FQAN:/atlas/Role=production
identity) and analysis jobs (FQAN:/atlas
identity). Also user
can store own files with rucio upload and normal FQAN:/atlas
Usual namespace organization with access permission:
- read only forFQAN:/atlas
- inheritable read forFQAN:/atlas
and write forFQAN:/atlas
- inheritable read forFQAN:/atlas
and write for roleFQAN:/atlas/Role=production
- inheritable read forFQAN:/atlas
and write for groupFQAN:/atlas/country_code
All files can be read with basic FQAN:/atlas
VO identity.
Rely exclusively on capabilities that comes with token storage.*
scopes and completely ignore wlcg.groups
in the token for storage access.
Contact: Petr
CMS Storage
CMS is going to discuss their requirements individually with each storage technology provider.
Contact: Stephan
LHCb Storage
Distinguish two VOMS roles: user and production.
- read/write everywhere with production roleFQAN:/lhcb/Role=production
, everything readable byFQAN:/lhcb
- the only directory writeable by normal users with just basicFQAN:/lhcb
Prefer capabilities that comes with token storage.*
scopes (depends on Dirac development and may still consider wlcg.groups
when it turns out it is too difficult to use capabilities within Dirac framework).
Contact: Christophe
Belle II Storage
Distinguish two VOMS roles: user and production.
- read/write everywhere with production roleFQAN:/belle/Role=production
, everything readable byFQAN:/belle
- read/write everywhere with production roleFQAN:/belle/Role=production
, no access byFQAN:/belle
- the only directory writeable by normal users with just basicFQAN:/belle
Prefer capabilities that comes with token storage.*
scopes (depends on Dirac development and may still consider wlcg.groups
when it turns out it is too difficult to use capabilities within Dirac framework).
Contact: Silvio